65 MCQs for I & C
1) What do you mean by Transducer?2) What is Piezoelectric Transducer?
3) What is Opto-electronic Transducer?
4) What is the function of Thermistor?
5) What do you mean by negative temperature coefficient of resistance?
6) What is feedback?
7) What is transfer function?
8) What is characteristics equation?
9) What is the function of Pirani Gauges?
10) Write down the difference between open loop and closed loop control system.
11) What is the need of delay line in CRO?
12) Draw the block diagram of a closed-loop system.
13) What is synchro?
14) Define stability of a control system.
15) What is the open-loop control system?
16) What is the close-loop control system?
17) Draw the block diagram of a open-loop system.
18) Define and explain D’Alembert’s principle (For rotational system).
19) Define a Transducer. 20) What is the need of time base signal in CRO?
21) What is pyrometry?
22) Define Routh’s stability criterion.
23) Name the parameters that can be measured using CRO.
24) What are the elements of a servo-mechanism?
25) What is thermocouple?
26) What is LVDT?
27) Name two methods of which the stability of a system can be found out.
28) Name any two temperature sensors.
29) What is the function CRO?
30) What do you mean by control system?
2) Explain the measurement of frequency using CRO.
3) Explain the measurement of low pressure.
4) Give a brief comparison between open-loop and closed-loop systems.
5) Give a brief classification of transducers.
6) Draw the block diagram of CRO.
7) Explain the mathematical modeling of mechanical system.
8) Explain the operation of a DC servomotor.
9) State and explain Routh’s stability criterion.
10) Determine the stability of the system whose characteristic equation is given by
15s^4 +10s^3 +5s^2 + s + 10 = 0
11) Explain the process of temperature measurement by using thermocouple.
12) Distinguish between D.C servomotor and A.C servomotor.
13) Explain the operation of a capacitive transducer with a change in overlapping area.
14) What do you mean by S-plane? Discuss the stability of a system with respect to S-plane.
15) Discuss the advantage of closed-loop system over open-loop system.
16) Explain the operation of a LVDT.
17) Find the poles and zeros of the transfer function G (s) = s/(s^2 + 3s + 2)and locate them
in s-plane.
18) Explain what is servo-mechanism with example.
19) What do you mean by block diagram reduction technique? Write the technique for blocks in cascade and parallel?
20) Write in brief about open-loop control systems, its advantages and disadvantages and examples?
1) Explain the construction and operation of CRT with block diagram.
2) Explain the construction and working principle of LVDT with neat diagram.
3) Explain the construction and working principle of Capacitive Transducer with neat diagram.
4) Explain the construction and operation of optical pyrometers with neat diagram.
5) The transfer function of a system is given by T (s) = k(s+6)/s(s+2)(s+5)(s^2 +7s +12)
(i) Poles
(ii) Zeros
(iii)characteristics equation
(iv)Order of the system
(v) Pole-Zero plot in s-plane.
6) Determine the overall transfer function C (s)/R(s) of the system shown in below.
7) For unit -vefeedback system G(s) = k/s(1+0.4s )(1+0.25s ) Find
a) The range of K
b) Marginal value of K
c) Frequency of sustained oscillation.
8) Find out the overall transfer function of the given system as shown in fig.
by using block diagram reduction method.
9) Determine the transfer function of the electrical system shown in below Fig.
10) Draw the block diagram of CRO and explain.
11) Explain the operation of automatic tank level control system.
12) Explain the method of measurement of voltage, frequency and phase using CRO.
13) With the help of neat sketch explain the working principle of a synchro transmitter and receiver.
14) With the help of neat sketch explain the working principle of a position control system.
15) With the help of neat sketch explain the working principle of Pirani gauge
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